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Mar 1, 2020

Since God loves mankind, why does He send down disasters to destroy all evil people who deny and resist Him?

Since God loves mankind, why does He send down disasters to destroy all evil people who deny and resist Him?

The Answer from God’s Word:

The approach of the end of all things indicates the end of God’s work and indicates the end of humanity’s development. This means that humanity as corrupted by Satan has reached their end of development, and that the descendants of Adam and Eve have propagated to their respective ends, and it also means that it is impossible for such a humanity, having been corrupted by Satan, to continue to develop. … When His work ends, those people who remain will be cleansed and enjoy a more wonderful second human life upon the earth as they enter a higher realm of humanity; in other words, they will enter into humanity’s day of rest and live together with God. After those who cannot remain have undergone chastisement and judgment, their original forms will be entirely revealed; after this they will all be destroyed and, like Satan, will no longer be allowed to survive upon the earth. The humanity of the future will no longer contain any of this type of people; these people are not fit to enter the land of the ultimate rest, nor are they fit to enter the day of rest that God and man will share, for they are the targets of punishment and are the wicked, and they are not righteous people. … His ultimate work of punishing evil and rewarding good is entirely done in order to utterly purify all of humanity, so that He may bring an entirely holy humanity into eternal rest. This stage of His work is His most crucial work. It is the final stage of the whole of His management work. If God did not destroy the wicked but rather let them remain, then the whole of humanity would still not be able to enter into rest, and God would not be able to bring all of humanity into a better realm. This kind of work would not be completely finished. When He finishes His work, the whole of humanity will be entirely holy. Only in this manner can God peacefully live in rest.

from “God and Man Will Enter Into Rest Together” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

If God did not reveal evildoers, those people who sincerely obey God would never see the sun; if God did not take those who obey Him into a suitable destination, those who are disobedient to God would not be able to receive their deserved retribution. This is the process of His work. If He did not carry out this work of punishing evil and rewarding good, His creatures would never be able to enter into their respective destinations. Once mankind has entered into rest, the evildoers will be destroyed, all of humanity will enter into the right track, and every kind of person will be with their own kind in accordance with the functions that they should carry out. Only this will be humanity’s day of rest and the inevitable trend for humanity’s development, and only when humanity enters into rest will God’s great and ultimate accomplishment reach completion; this will be the coda of His work. This work will end all of humanity’s decadent physical life, and it will end the life of corrupt humanity. From here humanity shall enter into a new realm. Although man leads a physical existence, there are significant differences between the essence of his life and the essence of life of corrupt humanity. The meaning of his existence and the meaning of the existence of corrupt humanity are also different. Although this is not the life of a new kind of person, it can be said to be the life of a humanity that has received salvation and a life with humanity and reason regained. These are people who once were disobedient to God, and who were once conquered by God and then saved by Him; these are people who humiliated God and later bore witness to Him. Their existence, after undergoing and surviving His testing, is the most meaningful existence; they are people who bore witness to God before Satan; they are people who are fit to live. Those who will be destroyed are people who cannot stand witness to God and are not fit to live. Their destruction shall be due to their wicked conduct, and destruction is their best destination.

from “God and Man Will Enter Into Rest Together” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

From the creation of the world down to the present, the Spirit of God has set this great work in motion, and has moreover done different work in different ages and in different nations. The people of each age see a different disposition of His, which is naturally revealed through the different work that He does. He is God, filled with mercy and lovingkindness; He is the sin offering for man and man’s shepherd; but He is also man’s judgment, chastisement, and curse. He could lead man to live on earth for two thousand years, and He could also redeem the corrupted mankind from sin. Today, He is also able to conquer mankind, who do not know Him, and prostrate them under His dominion, so that all submit to Him fully. In the end, He will burn away all that is unclean and unrighteous within men throughout the universe, to show them that He is not only a merciful and loving God, not only a God of wisdom and wonders, not only a holy God, but, even more, a God who judges man. To the evil ones among mankind, He is burning, judgment, and punishment; to those who are to be perfected, He is tribulation, refinement, and trial, as well as comfort, sustenance, provision of words, dealing, and pruning. And to those who are eliminated, He is punishment and also retribution.

from “The Two Incarnations Complete the Significance of the Incarnation” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

My mercy is expressed upon those who love Me and deny themselves. And the punishment visited upon the wicked is precisely proof of My righteous disposition and, even more, testimony to My wrath. When disaster comes, famine and plague will befall all those who oppose Me and they will weep. Those who have committed all manner of wickedness, but who have followed Me for many years, will not escape indictment; they too, falling into disaster, the like of which has seldom been seen throughout the ages, will come to live in a constant state of panic and fear.

from “You Ought to Do Enough Good Deeds to Prepare for Your Destination” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

Source: Gospel of The Descent of The Kingdom 

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