Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. God’s sheep hear God’s voice. As long as you read the words of Almighty God, you will see God has appeared.


Aug 30, 2017

Eastern Lightning | A Warning to Those Who Do Not Practice the Truth

Eastern Lightning | A Warning to Those Who Do Not Practice the Truth

    Those amongst brothers and sisters who are always venting their negativity are Satan’s lackeys and they disturb the church. These people must one day be expelled and eliminated. In their belief in God, if people don’t hold within them a God-revering heart, if they don’t have a heart that is obedient to God, then not only will they be unable to do any work for God, but on the contrary will become people who disturb God’s work and who defy God. When someone who believes in God does not obey God or revere God but instead defies Him, then this is the greatest disgrace for a believer. If the speech and conduct of a believer is always as casual and unrestrained as an unbeliever, then this believer is even more evil than the unbeliever; they are a typical demon. Those in the church who vent their venomous talk, those amongst brothers and sisters who spread rumors, foment disharmony and form cliques should be expelled from the church. But these people have been restricted as now is a different era of God’s work, because they are doomed to be objects for elimination. Those who have been corrupted by Satan all have a corrupt disposition. But whereas some people only have a corrupt disposition there are others who are not like this, in that not only do they have corrupt satanic dispositions, but their natures are also malicious to the extreme.

    All this type of person does and says is not only expressing their corrupt satanic dispositions, but they themselves are the real devil Satan. All they do is interrupt and disturb God’s work, disturb the life entry of brothers and sisters, and destroy the normal life of the church. These wolves in sheep’s clothing must sooner or later be cleared out, and one must adopt an attitude toward these lackeys of Satan that is in no way polite; one must adopt an attitude of abandonment toward them. Only by doing this can one stand at God’s side and those who cannot do so are in collusion with Satan. God is always in the hearts of those who genuinely believe in God and they always carry within them a God-revering heart, a God-loving heart. Those who believe in God should do things with a cautious and prudent heart, and all they do should be in accordance with God’s requirements and be able to satisfy the heart of God. They should not be headstrong, doing whatever they please; that does not befit saintly propriety. People cannot flaunt God’s banner and run amok with it everywhere, swaggering and swindling everywhere; doing this is the most rebellious conduct. Families have rules and nations have laws, so how much more does God’s family have strict standards? Does it not more so have administrative decrees? People are free to do what they want, but the administrative decrees of God cannot be altered at will. God is a God who does not allow people to offend Him and God is a God who puts people to death—do people really not know this already?

    Every single church has people who disturb the church, people who interrupt God’s work. These people are all Satan masquerading in God’s family. This type of person is especially good at impersonating, coming respectfully before Me, nodding and bowing, behaving like mangy dogs, devoting their “all” in order to achieve their own objectives, but showing their ugly countenance before brothers and sisters. When they see someone practicing the truth they attack and exclude them, and when they see someone more terrible than they are themselves, they flatter and fawn upon them, acting like tyrants within the church. It can be said that the majority of churches have this type of “local villainous snake,” this type of “lap dog” within them. They sneak around together, winking and secretly signaling to each other, and none of them practice the truth. Whoever has the most venom is the “head demon,” and whoever has the highest prestige leads them, bearing their flag aloft. These people run wild within the church, spreading their negativity, releasing death, doing as they please, saying what they please, with no one daring to stop them, being full of satanic dispositions. As soon as they begin to cause disturbance, an air of death enters into the church. Those who practice the truth within the church are abandoned and are unable to achieve their potential, while those who disturb the church and spread death run wild within the church. What is more, the majority of people follow them. This kind of church is simply under Satan’s control and the devil is their king. If the people of the church do not rise up and cast out those head demons, then they will also come to ruin sooner or later. From now on measures must be taken against this kind of church. If those who are capable of practicing a little truth are not engaging in seeking, then that church will be banned. If there is no one in a church who is willing to practice the truth, no one who can stand witness for God, then that church should be completely ostracized, and their connections with other churches must be severed. This is called burying death, and casting Satan out. If there are several local villainous snakes in a church, as well as some small flies who follow them who have no discernment whatsoever, if those of the church still cannot cast off the binds and manipulation of these snakes after they have seen the truth, then these fools will be eliminated in the end. Though these small flies may not have done anything terrible, they are even more cunning, even more slick and evasive and everyone like this will be eliminated. Not one will be left! Those who belong to Satan will be returned to Satan, while those who belong to God will surely go in search of the truth; this is determined by their natures. Let all those who follow Satan perish! No pity will be shown to these people. Let those who search for the truth attain provision and allow them to take pleasure in God’s word to their hearts’ content. God is righteous; He does not treat people unjustly. If you are a devil then you will be incapable of practicing the truth. If you are someone who searches for the truth then it is certain that you will not be taken captive by Satan—this is beyond all doubt.

    Those who do not seek to progress always wish for others to be as negative and indolent as themselves, those who do not practice the truth are jealous of those who do practice the truth. Those who do not practice the truth always want to deceive those who are muddleheaded and who lack discernment. The things these people vent can cause you to degenerate, slip downward, develop abnormal conditions and be filled with darkness inside; they cause you to be distanced from God, and they make you cherish the flesh and indulge yourself. Those who do not love the truth, who are always dealing with God perfunctorily are without self-knowledge, and their dispositions seduce people into committing sins and defying God. They do not practice the truth and do not allow others to practice it either. They cherish sin and have no loathing for themselves. They do not know themselves and stop others from knowing themselves, and they stop others from longing for the truth. Those they deceive cannot see the light and fall into darkness, do not know themselves, are unclear about the truth and become further and further from God. They do not practice the truth and they stop others from practicing the truth, bringing those foolish people before them. Rather than saying they believe in God, it would be better to say they believe in their ancestors, that what they believe in are the idols in their hearts. It would be best for those people who say they follow God to open their eyes and take a good look to see exactly who they believe in: Is it really God that you believe in, or Satan? If you know that what you believe in is not God but your own idols, then you had best not say you are a believer. If you really do not know who you believe in then, again, you had best not say you are a believer. To say that would be blasphemy! No one is forcing you to believe in God. Do not say you believe in Me, as I heard enough of those words long ago and I do not wish to hear them again, because what you believe in are the idols in your hearts and the local villainous snakes among you. Those who shake their heads when they hear the truth, who smile widely when they hear talk of death are the offspring of Satan, and they are all objects to be eliminated. There exist in the church many people who have no discernment, and when something deceptive happens they just stand by Satan’s side. When they are called Satan’s lackeys they feel so wronged. They are said to have no discernment, but they always stand on the side without truth. There has not been a single critical time when they have stood on the side of truth, not a single time when they have stood up and argued for the truth, so are they really without discernment? Why do they always stand by Satan’s side? Why do they never say one word that is fair or reasonable for the truth? Is this situation really created by their momentary confusion? The less discernment someone has, the less able they are to stand on the side of truth. What does this show? Does it not show that those without discernment love evil? Does it not show that those without discernment are the loyal offspring of Satan? Why is it that they are always able to stand on the side of Satan and speak the same language as it? Their every word and deed, and their expressions prove amply that they are not any kind of lover of the truth, but rather that they are people who detest the truth. That they can stand on the side of Satan proves amply that Satan really loves these petty devils who fight for Satan’s sake all their lives. Are all these facts not abundantly clear? If you truly are someone who loves the truth, then why can’t you have any regard for those who practice the truth, and why do you immediately follow those who do not practice the truth the minute they have a slight change of countenance? What kind of problem is this? I do not care whether you have discernment or not, I do not care how great a price you have paid, I do not care how great your forces are and I do not care whether you are a local villainous snake or a flag-bearing leader. If your forces are great then that is only with the help of Satan’s strength; if your prestige is high, then that is merely because there are too many around you who do not practice the truth; if you have not been expelled then that is because now is not the time for the work of expelling, rather it is time for the work of elimination. There is no rush to expel you now. I need only wait for that day to come after you have been eliminated to punish you. Whoever does not practice the truth will be eliminated!

    Those who genuinely believe in God are those who are willing to put God’s word into practice, and they are those who are willing to practice the truth. Those who can genuinely stand witness for God are also those who are willing to put His word into practice, and they are those who can genuinely stand on the side of the truth. Those who employ trickery and who do injustice are all people who have no truth and they all bring shame on God. Those in the church who engage in disputes are Satan’s lackeys, and are the embodiment of Satan. This kind of person is too malicious. Those who have no discernment and are incapable of standing on the side of the truth all harbor evil intentions and tarnish the truth. These people are even more so typical representatives of Satan; they are beyond redemption and it goes without saying that they are all objects to be eliminated. Those who do not practice the truth should not be allowed to remain in God’s family, nor should those who deliberately demolish the church. But now is not the time to do expelling work. They will merely be exposed and eliminated in the end. No more useless work is to be done on these people; those who belong to Satan are incapable of standing on the side of the truth, whereas those who search for the truth can stand on the side of the truth. Those who do not practice the truth are unworthy to hear the way of the truth and unworthy to bear witness to the truth. The truth is basically not for their ears but rather it is spoken for the ears of those who practice it. Before every person’s end is revealed, those who disturb the church and interrupt the work will first be left to one side. Once the work is complete, these people will be exposed one after another before being eliminated. During the time of providing the truth, no attention is paid to them for the time being. When the whole truth is revealed to man those people should be eliminated, as that will also be the time when all people are classified after their kind. Because of their petty cleverness, those without discernment will come to ruin in the hands of evil people and they will be led astray by evil people and will be unable to return. These people should be handled in this way, as they do not love the truth, because they are incapable of standing on the side of the truth, because they follow evil people, they stand on the side of evil people, and because they collude with evil people and defy God. They know perfectly well that those evil people radiate evil but they harden their hearts and follow them, moving contrary to the truth. Are these people who do not practice the truth but who do destructive and abominable things not all doing evil? Although there are those among them who style themselves as “kings” and those who trail along behind, are their God-defying natures not all the same? What excuse can they have to say that God does not save them? What excuse can they have to say that God is not righteous? Is it not their own evil that will destroy them? Is it not their own rebelliousness that will drag them down into hell? Those who practice the truth will in the end be saved and made perfect through the truth. Those who do not practice the truth will in the end invite ruination through the truth. These are the ends that await those who practice the truth and those who do not. I advise those who are not planning on practicing the truth to leave the church as soon as possible to avoid committing even more sins. When the time comes, even regret will be too late, and in particular those who form cliques and create division, and those local villainous snakes within the church must leave even sooner. These people who are of an evil wolf nature are incapable of change, they had better leave the church at the earliest opportunity, never again to disturb the proper life of brothers and sisters, and so avoid God’s punishment. Those of you who went along with them would do well to make use of this opportunity to reflect upon yourselves. Will you follow the evil ones out of the church, or remain and follow in all honesty? You must consider this matter carefully. I give you one more opportunity to choose. I am waiting for your answer.

from The Word Appears in the Flesh

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