Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. God’s sheep hear God’s voice. As long as you read the words of Almighty God, you will see God has appeared.


Jul 5, 2017

Eastern Lightning | The Word Appears in the Flesh-The Forty-seventh Utterance

     In order to make mankind mature in life and make mankind and I able to achieve results in our common ideal, I have always accommodated mankind, allowing them to gain nourishment and sustenance from My word and to receive all of My abundance from it. I have never given mankind cause for embarrassment, but man never considers My feelings. This is because mankind is unfeeling and “despises” all things apart from Me.

  Due to mankind’s shortcomings, I quite sympathize with them and thus have spared no effort for them, so that they may enjoy all the abundance of the earth to their hearts’ content for their time on earth. I do not treat man unfairly and in consideration of people having followed Me for many years, I have developed a tender heart for them. It’s as if I cannot bear to put My hands upon them to do My work. So, I watch scrawny people who love Me as they love themselves and in My heart there is always an inexplicable feeling of pain, but who would breach convention because of this? Who would disturb themselves because of this? Nonetheless, I have bestowed all of My bounty to mankind so that they may enjoy it to the fullest, and I have not mistreated mankind on this issue. This is why mankind still sees My compassionate and benevolent face. I have always endured and waited. When mankind enjoys to their satisfaction and becomes bored, I shall begin to “satisfy” their requests and allow all mankind to escape their empty lives and not to have dealings with people again. Upon the earth, I had previously swallowed up humanity with seawater, I had controlled them with famines, I had threatened them with plagues of insects, and I had used heavy rains to “water” them, but man never felt the emptiness of life. Now man still does not understand the significance of living on the earth. Could it be that living in My presence is the most profoundly significant aspect of human life? Does living in Me allow one to escape the threat of disaster? How many fleshly bodies on earth have lived in the freedom of the enjoyment of the self? Who has escaped the emptiness of living in the flesh? And who would know it? From My creation of mankind up to now, no one has lived a most significant life on earth, and so man has always idled away a life of utter insignificance, but none are willing to escape this predicament and none are willing to shun their empty and weary lives. In mankind’s experience, none of those who live in the flesh have escaped the customs of the world of man, even though they capitalize on enjoying Me. Instead, they have always just let nature take its course and deceived themselves.

     When I have fully ended mankind’s existence, there will be no one left to endure the “persecution” of earth, and then My great work can be said to be fully accomplished. In the last days when I am incarnate, what I wish to accomplish in My work is to allow mankind to understand the emptiness of living in the fleshly body, and thereby I shall extinguish the flesh. Afterward, there will be no people upon the earth, no one will ever again cry about the emptiness of the earth, no one will say again the difficulties of the flesh, no one will complain again that I am unfair, and all people and things shall enter into rest. Thereafter, no one will be rushing about, nor will they search here and there on the earth because people will have found a suitable destination for themselves. At that time, they will wear a smile upon their faces. I will then ask nothing more of man and have no further dispute with them; there will be no more treaty between us. I exist upon the earth and mankind lives upon the earth; I live and reside with mankind. Mankind feels the enjoyment of My presence; therefore mankind is unwilling to leave without reason, and instead, they would rather that I just stay for a little longer. How could I stand to see the scenes of misery pervasive on the earth while not lifting a finger to help? I am not of the earth. It is through patience that I remain on earth to this day, though I do so with reluctance. Were it not for mankind’s endless beseeching, I would have left long ago. Nowadays mankind is able to take care of itself and they do not need My assistance because they have matured and they do not need Me to feed them. Therefore I am planning to hold a “victory celebration” with mankind, after which I shall bid them farewell, so that they will be aware of this. Of course, parting on bad terms would not be a good thing because there are no grievances between us. Therefore the friendship between us shall be everlasting. I hope that after we part ways My “inheritance” to humanity may be continued. Do not forget about the teachings I provided during My life, do not do those things that would bring disgrace to My name, and keep My word in mind. I hope that humanity will try their best to satisfy Me when I have left. I hope that humanity will use My word as a foundation for their lives. Do not disappoint Me because My heart has always been concerned with mankind and I have always been attached to them. Humanity and I once assembled together and we enjoyed on earth the same blessings that are in heaven. I lived together with mankind and resided with them, mankind always loved Me, and I always loved them; we had an affinity for one another. When I recall My time together with mankind, I remember our days being filled with laughter and joy, and moreover, there were quarrels. Nonetheless, the love between us was established on this basis and our dealings with one another were never severed. Amidst our many years of contact, mankind has left a profound impression upon Me and I have given mankind many things to enjoy, for which mankind has always expressed great gratitude. Now, our meeting is unlike anything before; who could miss this moment of our parting? Mankind has profound affection for Me, and I have endless love for them, but what can be done about that? Who would dare to go against the requirements of the heavenly Father? I will return to My abode, where I will complete another part of My work. Perhaps we will have a chance to meet again. It is My hope that mankind will not feel too sorrowful and that they shall satisfy Me on earth; My Spirit in heaven shall often confer grace upon them.

     Since the time of creation, I have prophesied that in the last days I shall make complete a group of people who are of one mind with Me. I have foretold that after establishing an exemplar on earth in the last days, I will return to My abode. When all of mankind has satisfied Me, they will have achieved My requirements, and I will no longer require anything from them. Instead, mankind and I will tell each other stories of our old days and after that we shall part company. I begin to do this work and allow mankind to prepare themselves mentally. I will let all mankind understand My intentions so that they will not misunderstand Me or think that I am cruel or heartless, which is not My intent. Does mankind love Me yet refuse to let Me have a suitable resting place? Is mankind unwilling to beseech the heavenly Father for My sake? Hasn’t man shed tears of sympathy with Me? Has mankind not helped in accomplishing a prompt meeting of Us the Father and Son? Why are they unwilling now? My ministry upon the earth has been fulfilled and after parting ways with mankind I will still continue to assist mankind, is it not good? In order for My work to be more effective and so that it will be mutually beneficial, we must part although it is painful to do. Our tears will fall silently and I will no longer reproach mankind. In the past, I have said many things that pricked the very heart of mankind, causing them to shed tears of grief. For that, I hereby apologize to mankind and ask for mankind’s forgiveness; do not envy and hate Me for everything I have said was for the good of mankind. So I hope that mankind will understand My heart. In former times we had our disputes, but looking back, we both benefited. Through these disputes God and mankind have had a bridge of friendship develop between them, isn’t that the fruit of our collaborative efforts? We should all enjoy this. I ask man to forgive My previous “mistakes” and the transgressions of mankind shall also be forgotten. As long as man is able to return My love in the future, then that will give comfort to My Spirit in heaven. I do not know what mankind’s resolution is in this regard, or whether or not man is willing to fulfill My final request. I am not asking anything else of mankind, only that they love Me and that is enough. Can this be done? Let all the unpleasant things that happened between us be in the past, let there always be love between us. I have given mankind so much love and mankind has paid such a heavy cost to love Me. So I hope that mankind treasures the singular and pure love between us so that our love will extend all over the human world and be passed down forever. When we meet again, let us still be linked in love so that our love may continue on for eternity and be praised and told by all people. This would satisfy Me and I would show My smiling face to mankind. I hope that man will remember all that I have entrusted to them.

June 1, 1992

from The Word Appears in the Flesh

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