Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. God’s sheep hear God’s voice. As long as you read the words of Almighty God, you will see God has appeared.


Jul 19, 2017

Eastern Lightning | The Word Appears in the Flesh-Interpretation of the Thirty-eighth Utterance

     According to mankind’s inherent traits, that is, mankind’s true face, being able to carry on until now has truly not been an easy thing, and it is only through this that God’s great power has become apparent. Based on the essence of the flesh as well as the corruption of the great red dragon thus far, if not for the guidance of the Spirit of God, how could man still stand today? Man is not worthy to come before God, but He loves mankind for the sake of His management and so that His great work may be accomplished before too long. In truth, no man can repay God’s love for mankind within their lifetime. Perhaps some wish to repay God’s grace by sacrificing their lives, but I tell you: Man is unworthy of dying before God, and so the death of man is in vain. Because to God the death of a man is not even worthy of mention, nor is it worth a penny, but rather, it is like the death of an ant. I advise people not to think yourself to be so precious, and not to think that dying for God carries the weight of a great mountain. In truth, the death of a man is a matter as light as a feather. It is not worthy of note. But then again, the flesh of man is damned by nature, and so in the end, the physical body has to end on the earth. This is the honest truth, and none can deny it. This is a law of nature that is summed up from all human life experience by Me. And so unwittingly, God’s end for man is defined as such. Do you understand? No wonder God says “I despise mankind’s disobedience. I do not know why. It seems I have hated man since the beginning, and yet I feel deep sympathy for them. And so man looks upon Me with two hearts, for I love man, and I also hate man.”

     Who does not praise God for His presence or His appearance? At this time, it’s as if I have completely forgotten the impurity and unrighteousness within man. Mankind’s self-rightness, self-importance, disobedience, defiance, and all of his rebelliousness—I push all of this into the back of My mind to forget it. God is not constrained because of such being of mankind. Since God and I “share this same affliction,” I will also free Myself from this puzzle lest I be further constrained by man. Why bother with that? Since man is not willing to join God’s household along with Me, how can I use My power to suppress them? I do not do things to impose My power upon them, and no wonder, because I was born in the family of God, so of course man and I are always different. This has led to today’s crushing defeat. But I continue to shun the weaknesses of man; what choice do I have? I am to blame for being powerless. No wonder God wishes to “retire” from the “agency” of mankind, and wants His “pension.” I speak from the perspective of a man, and man does not listen, but when I speak as God, do they not still disobey? Perhaps the day will come when God will truly suddenly “retire” from the “agency” of mankind, and when that time comes, God’s word will become even more fierce. Today, it may be because of Me that God speaks this way, and if that day comes, God will no longer be like Me, patiently “telling stories to the kids at a nursery school.” Perhaps what I say does not hit the mark. Only for the sake of God incarnate is God willing to loosen His hold on man a bit, otherwise, it would be too horrible to contemplate. Just as God said, “I loosened My grip on them to a certain extent, allowing them to indulge in their fleshly desires, and so they dared to be unbridled, without restraint, and it can be seen that they did not truly love Me, as they lived in the flesh.” Why does God say here “indulge in their desires,” and “lived in the flesh”? Truthfully, this wording does not require My interpretation, and it can be understood naturally. Perhaps some people say they don’t understand, but I will say that you know the truth, and simply feign ignorance. I remind you: Why does God say “I only ask for man to cooperate with Me”? Why does God say that human nature is difficult to change? Why does God despise human nature? And what exactly is the nature of man? What is not the nature of man? Who has contemplated these questions? Perhaps this is a new subject to man, but regardless, I implore man to give it much consideration, otherwise you will always offend God because of words like “human nature is immutable.” What good is it to act against Him in that way? Is it not ultimately just asking for trouble? Is it not, in the end, just like hurling an egg against a stone?

     In truth, all the trials and temptations that come upon man are lessons that God requires of man. According to God’s original intention, even if man resigns himself to parting with something he loves, it can still be achieved. The problem is just that man always loves himself, so he fails to truly cooperate with God. God does not ask much of man. All that God asks of man is meant to be achieved easily and happily; it is just that man is unwilling to suffer hardships. Like children, they could live frugally to come up with a few pennies to honor their parents and fulfill the duty they ought to fulfill. Yet they fear that they won’t eat well enough and that their clothing will be too plain, so for one reason or another, they take their parents’ love and care and cast it far out into the clouds, as if they will start to do this after earning a great deal of money. But I can see from this that men do not have the filial piety of loving their parents—they are unfilial sons. Perhaps this is too extreme, but I can’t speak contrary to the facts and spout nonsense. I cannot follow others to resist God for satisfying Myself. It is only because no one on earth is filial that God said: “In heaven, Satan is My enemy, on earth, man is My foe. Because of the union between the heaven and earth, nine generations of theirs should be considered guilty by association.” Satan is an enemy of God; the reason I say that is because it does not repay God for His great favor and kindness, but rather “paddles against the current,” and in doing so does not fulfill its “filial piety” to God. Aren’t people also this way? They show no filial respect to their “parents” and never return the nurture and support of their “parents.” This is adequate to show that the people of earth are the kin of Satan in heaven. Man and Satan are of one heart and mind against God, and so it is no wonder God implicates nine generations as guilty by association and none may be pardoned. In the past, God had a prostrate servant in heaven who He called upon to manage mankind, but it didn’t listen, and acted based on its own temperament to rebel against Him. Aren’t rebellious humans also striding forward toward this path? No matter how much God tightens the “reins,” people simply never waver and cannot turn around. In My view, if man continues on this way, they will be ruined, and perhaps it is at this time that you will understand the true meaning of these words: “man cannot be disentangled from their old nature.” God has reminded man on many occasions: “Because of man’s disobedience, I have left him.” Why does God say this over and over? Could God really be so heartless? Why does God also say “I simply am not human”? Over so many idle days, who has really scrutinized these detailed issues? I urge mankind to put more effort into the words of God and to not treat it lightly; this has no benefit for you, or for others. It’s better to not say that which does not need to be said, and to not think of that which does not need to be contemplated. Isn’t that simpler? What wrong can come of this? Before God proclaims the end of His work on earth, no one shall stop “moving”; no one shall wash their hands of their duty. Now is not the time; do not act as guide for God, or a vanguard. I think it is too early to stop now and cease moving forward—what do you think?

     God brings man into chastisement, and He brings them into an atmosphere of death, but on the other hand, what does God want man to do on earth? To act as a wardrobe at home? It cannot be eaten or worn, but only looked at. If so, why employ so many complex processes, making people suffer so much in the flesh? God says, “I escort them to the ‘execution ground,’ as mankind’s guilt is enough to merit My chastisement.” At this time, does God have people walk to the execution ground themselves? Why does no one beg forgiveness for them? Then how should man cooperate? Can man truly do things without being colored by emotion, as God makes His judgments? The effectiveness of these words mainly depends on the actions of man. As a father earns money, if afterward the mother does not know how to cooperate, not knowing how to manage the household, then what state would that home be in? Look at the state of the church now; what will you as leaders think? You could hold a meeting where everyone can talk about their personal impressions. The mother makes a mess of the things in the home, so what will the children of this family be like? Orphans? Beggars? No wonder God said: “People all think that I am a divinity who lacks ‘true quality of intellect,’ but who can understand that I am able to see through everything in humanity?” As for such an obvious situation, there is no need to speak from His divinity. Just as God says, “there is no need to hit a nail with a sledgehammer.” At this time, perhaps there are people who have some practical experience with God’s maxim of: “Among men, there are none who love Me.” At this point, it is just as God said: “People all reluctantly bow their heads because of the current situation, but their hearts remain unconvinced.” These words are like a telescope. In the near future, man will go into another situation. This is called being incorrigible. Do you understand? That is the answer to these two questions of God: “Don’t people refrain from sin only because they fear I will go away? Is it not true that they do not complain only because they fear chastisement?” In fact, now people are a little bit slack and seem overly weary, and they are completely disinterested in heeding God’s work, and solely concerned with the arrangements and plans for their flesh. Is this not the case?

from The Word Appears in the Flesh

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