Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. God’s sheep hear God’s voice. As long as you read the words of Almighty God, you will see God has appeared.


Jul 29, 2017

Eastern Lightning | The Word Appears in the Flesh - A Normal Spiritual Life Leads People Onto the Right Track

       You have only walked a very small portion of the path of a believer in God, and you’ve yet to enter onto the right track, so you’re still far from achieving God’s standard. Right now, your stature is not adequate to meet His demands. Due to your caliber as well as your innate corrupt nature, you always treat God’s work carelessly and don’t take it seriously. This is your greatest shortcoming. Furthermore, you are incapable of finding the path of the Holy Spirit. Most of you don’t understand it and can’t see it clearly. Moreover, most of you pay no mind to this matter, and are even less serious about it. If you continue to behave like this and do not know the work of the Holy Spirit, then the path you take as a believer in God will be futile. This is because you don’t do everything in your power to seek to fulfill God’s will, and because you don’t cooperate well with God. It’s not that God hasn’t worked on you, or that the Holy Spirit hasn’t moved you. It’s that people are so careless that they don’t take the work of the Holy Spirit seriously. You must turn things around immediately and walk the path led by the Holy Spirit. This is the main topic for today. This “path led by the Holy Spirit” is that people gain enlightenment in their spirit, they have knowledge of God’s word, they gain clarity on the path ahead of them, and they are able to enter into the truth step by step, and come to understand God more and more. The path led by the Holy Spirit is primarily that people have a clearer understanding of God’s word, free of deviations and misconceptions, so that they may walk in it . In order to achieve this effect, you will need to work in harmony with God, find a correct path to put into practice, and walk the path led by the Holy Spirit. This concerns cooperation on man’s part, that is, what you do to achieve God’s requirements of you, and how you behave to enter onto the right track.

       It sounds quite complicated to walk the path led by the Holy Spirit, but you’ll find this process much simpler if the path of practice is crystal clear to you. The truth is that people are capable of achieving all that God demands of them. He does not push people beyond what they are capable of. In all situations, God seeks to resolve people’s problems and settle their concerns. All of you must understand this; don’t misunderstand God. The path of the Holy Spirit is using God’s word to guide people. As mentioned before, you must give your heart to God. This is a prerequisite for walking the path led by the Holy Spirit. You must do this in order to enter onto the right track. How does one give their heart to God with intention? When you experience God and pray to Him in your daily life, you do it carelessly—you pray to God while you work. Can this be called giving your heart to God? You’re thinking about household matters or affairs of the flesh; you are always of two minds. Can this be considered quieting your heart in the presence of God? This is because your heart is always fixated on external affairs, and is not able to turn to God. If you desire to truly make your heart at peace before God, you must deliberately do the work of cooperation. That is to say, every one of you must take time away from every person, matter, and object for your personal spiritual devotionals, where you will be able to bring peace to your heart and quiet yourself before God. You should have your own individual devotional notes where you can record your knowledge of God’s word and how your spirit has been moved, regardless of whether what you write down is profound or superficial. Quiet your heart before God with intention. If you can dedicate one or two hours to a true spiritual life every day, your daily life will feel enriched and your heart will be bright and clear. If you live this kind of spiritual life on a daily basis, then you will be able to give your heart to God more and more, your spirit will become stronger and stronger, you will become more capable of walking the path led by the Holy Spirit, and God will bestow more and more blessings upon you. The purpose of your spiritual life is to deliberately seek and gain the presence of the Holy Spirit. It is not to observe rules or conduct religious rituals, but to truly act in concert with God and discipline your body. This is what man should do, so you must give it your all in order to do this. The better your cooperation and the more effort you put forth, the more you will be able to turn your heart toward God, and the more you will quiet your heart before Him. Once you’ve reached a certain state, God will gain your heart completely. No one will be able to sway or capture your heart, and you will belong completely to God. If you walk this path, God’s word will reveal itself to you at all times and enlighten you on everything you don’t understand—this can all be achieved because of your cooperation. This is why God always says, “All who act in concert with Me, I will reward twice over.” You must see this path clearly. If you wish to walk the right path, then you must do all that you can to satisfy God. You must do all that you can to attain a spiritual life. At the start, you may not be able to achieve much in this regard, but you must not allow yourself to regress or wallow in negativity—you must keep on working hard! The more you live a spiritual life, the more your heart will be occupied by the words of God, always concerned with these matters and always bearing this burden. After that, you can reveal your innermost truth to God through your spiritual life, tell Him what you want to do, what you’ve been thinking about, your understanding of and your own way of seeing God’s word. Don’t hold back anything, not even a little bit! Practice speaking the words within your heart to God, tell Him the truth, and don’t hesitate to speak what’s in your heart. The more you do this, the more you will feel God’s loveliness, and your heart will be pulled more and more toward God. When this happens, you will feel that God is dearer to you than anyone else. You will never leave God’s side, no matter what. If you practice this kind of spiritual devotional on a daily basis and do not put it out of your mind, but treat it as your calling in life, then God’s word will occupy your heart. This is what it means to be touched by the Holy Spirit. It will be as if your heart has always been possessed by God, as if there has always been love in your heart. No one can take that away from you. When this happens, God will truly live inside you and have a place within your heart.

from The Word Appears in the Flesh

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