Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. God’s sheep hear God’s voice. As long as you read the words of Almighty God, you will see God has appeared.


Jun 16, 2017

Eastern Lightning | The Word Appears in the Flesh-The Twenty-second Utterance

       Believing in God is not an easy thing to do. You muddle along, devouring everything in sight and thinking that it is all so interesting, so tasty! There are some who are still applauding—they just have no discernment in their spirits. It is worth taking the time to summarize this experience. In the last days, all kinds of spirits emerge to play their roles, openly defying the forward steps of God’s children and taking part in the breaking down of the church’s construction. If you take this lightly, giving Satan opportunities to work, it will make a mess of the church, people will panic and feel desperate, and in serious cases people will lose visions. In this way, the painstaking price I have paid over many years will all come to naught.

       The time of the church’s construction is also Satan’s most frenzied time. Through a few people, Satan frequently causes disturbance and interruption and it is those who do not know the spirit or those new believers who play the role of Satan most easily. Because people don’t understand the work of the Holy Spirit, they often stretch forth their hands and do things arbitrarily, completely according to their own likes, ways of doing things and conceptions. Hold your tongue—this is said for your own protection. Listen and obey well. The church and society are different. You cannot just say what you please, or say whatever you think. It won’t do here as this is the house of God. God does not accept the way people do things. You must do things by following the spirit, live out God’s words and then others will admire you. You must first resolve all the difficulties within yourself by relying on God. Make an end to your degenerate dispositions and be able to really understand your own situations and know how you should do things; keep fellowshiping anything you don’t understand. It is unacceptable for you not to know yourself. First heal your own sickness, and by means of eating and drinking My words more, contemplating My words, live life and do things according to My words; whether you are at home or in some other place, you should allow God to wield power within you. Cast off the flesh and naturalness. Always let God’s words have dominion within you. There is no need to worry that your life is not changing; you will slowly come to feel that your disposition has changed a great deal. Before you were quick to be in the limelight, you didn’t obey anyone or you were ambitious, self-righteous or prideful, and you will gradually cast these things off. If you wish to cast them off right now, then that is not possible! This is because your old self will not allow others to touch it, it is so deeply rooted in you. So you must make subjective efforts, positively and actively obey the work of the Holy Spirit, use your will to cooperate with God and be willing to put My words into practice. If you commit a sin, God will discipline you. When you turn back and come to understanding, then all will at once be well within you. If you speak profligacy, then you will immediately be disciplined within. You see that God takes no delight in that kind of thing, so if you stop it right away you will experience inner peace. There are some new believers who don’t understand what life feelings are or how to live within life feelings. Sometimes you wonder, though you haven’t said anything, why do you feel so restless within? At these times it is your thought and mind that are amiss. Sometimes you have your own choices, your own conceptions and opinions; sometimes you regard others as being less than you; sometimes you are making your own selfish calculations and you don’t pray or examine yourself, leaving you to feel restless inside. Perhaps you know what the problem is, so straight away you call on God’s name in your heart, get close to God and you will be recovered. When your heart is very flustered, confused and restless, you absolutely must not think that God allows you to speak. Especially those who are new believers must obey God well in this respect. The feelings God puts inside man are peace, joy, clarity and surety. Often people do not understand and will mess things up and do things arbitrarily—these are all interruptions, and you absolutely must pay attention to this. If you are prone to this condition, you should first take some preventive medicine, otherwise you will create interruptions and God will strike you. Don’t be self-righteous; take the strengths of others and use them to offset your own deficiencies, watch how others live by God’s words and see whether or not their lives, actions and speech is worth learning from. If you regard others as less than you then you are self-righteous, self-conceited and are of benefit to no one. The key now is to focus on life, to eat and drink more of My words, experience My words, know My words, make My words genuinely become your life—this is the main thing. Can the life of someone who cannot live by God’s words mature? No, it cannot. You must live by My words at all times. In life, My words must be your code of conduct. They will cause you to feel that doing things in a certain way is what God takes joy in, and doing things in another way is what God hates; slowly, you will come to walk the right track. You must understand what things arise from God and what things arise from Satan. The things that arise from God cause you to become ever clearer about visions, and they cause you to get closer and closer to God, earnestly sharing love with brothers and sisters; you are capable of showing consideration toward God’s burden, and your God-loving heart does not abate; there is a road ahead for you to walk. The things that arise from Satan cause you to lose visions and all you had before is gone; you become estranged from God, you have no love for brothers and sisters and you have a hateful heart. You become desperate, you no longer wish to live the church life, and your God-loving heart is no more. This is Satan’s work and is also the consequence brought about by the work of evil spirits.

       This is now a crucial moment. You must continue to work hard until the very last minute, clear the eyes of your spirit so you can distinguish between good and evil, and exert as much effort as you can for the building of the church. Get rid of Satan’s lackeys, religious disturbances and the work of evil spirits. Purify the church, make My will be carried out unimpeded, and during this very short time that precedes the disasters I will truly make you complete as quickly as possible, and bring you into glory.

from The Word Appears in the Flesh

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