Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. God’s sheep hear God’s voice. As long as you read the words of Almighty God, you will see God has appeared.


Jun 25, 2017

Eastern Lightning | The Word Appears in the Flesh-The Thirty-sixth Utterance

The Thirty-sixth Utterance

    Almighty true God, King on the throne, ruling the entire universe, facing all nations and all peoples, everything under heaven shines with God’s glory. All living things in the ends of the universe shall see. The mountains, the rivers, the lakes, the lands, the oceans and all living beings, in the light of the true God’s countenance have opened their curtains, revived, like waking from a dream, sprouts breaking through dirt!

  Ah! The one true God, appears before the world. Who dares receive Him with resistance? Everyone trembles with fear. None are not utterly convinced, repeatedly begging forgiveness, all on their knees before Him, all mouths worshiping Him! The continents and oceans, the mountains, the rivers, all things praise Him endlessly! Warm spring breezes coming with spring bring fine spring rain. The streams’ currents, like people, intermixing grief and joy, shed tears of indebtedness and self-blame. The rivers, the lakes, the surf and the swells, all are singing, lauding the true God’s holy name! The praises ring so clear! All old things once corrupted by Satan, each and every one will renew, will change, and enter into a brand-new circumstance….

    This is the holy trumpet sounding! Lend an ear. That sound, so sweet, is the throne uttering voice, announcing to every nation and people, the time has come, the final end has come. My management plan is finished. My kingdom openly appears on earth. The earthly kingdoms have become My God’s kingdom. My seven trumpets sound from the throne, and what wonders will occur! People at the ends of the earth will rush together from every direction with the force of an avalanche and power of thunderbolts, some sailing the seas, some flying in planes, some coming in cars of every shape and size, some coming on horseback. Look closely. Listen carefully. These riders of horses of every color, spirits roused, mighty and magnificent, as if taking the field of battle, are indifferent to death. How many men, women, children amid horses’ neighing and people’s shouting for the true God will be trampled by hooves in an instant, some dead, some breathing their last, some mangled, with no one to tend them, shouting hysterically, crying to the sky. Rebellious sons! How can this not be your final ends?

    I joy to see My people, who hear My voice, and gather from every nation and land. All people, keeping the true God ever in their mouths, praise and jump up and down endlessly! They witness to the world, witnessing the true God with a sound like the sound of thundering waters. All people will crowd into My kingdom.

    My seven trumpets sound, rousing those who slumber! Get up quickly, it’s not too late. Look to your life! Open your eyes and see what time it is now. What do you seek? What is there to think? And what is there to cling to? Can it be that you have not considered the difference in value between gaining My life and all the things you love and cling to? Stop being willful and playing around. Do not miss this opportunity. This time will not come again! Stand right up, practice exercising your spirit, use various tools to see through and thwart Satan’s every plot and trick, and triumph over Satan, so as to make your life experience deeper, live out My disposition, make your life mature, seasoned, and always follow in My footsteps. Not discouraged, not weak, always moving forward, step by step, straight to the end of the road!

    When the seven trumpets sound again, it will be the call to judgment, judgment of the rebellious sons, judgment of all nations and all peoples, and each nation will surrender before God. God’s glorious countenance will surely be shown before all nations and all peoples. Everyone will be utterly convinced, shouting to the true God endlessly. The almighty God will be more glorious, and My sons will share in the glory, share kingship with Me, judging all nations and all peoples, punishing the evil, saving and having mercy on people who belong to Me, bringing firmness and stability to the kingdom. Through the sound of the seven trumpets, a great lot of people will be saved, returning before Me to kneel and worship, with constant praise!

    When the seven trumpets sound once again, it will be the coda at the end of an age, the trumpet blast of victory over the devil Satan, the salute at the start of the open life of the kingdom on earth! This sound so lofty, this sound reverberating around the throne, this trumpet blast shaking heaven and earth, is the sign of My management plan’s victory, and the judgment of Satan, sentencing this old world to utter death, to the bottomless pit! This trumpet blast signifies that the gate of grace is closing, that the kingdom’s life will begin on earth, which is perfectly justifiable. God saves those who love Him. Once they return to His kingdom, people on earth will face a famine, pestilence, and God’s seven bowls, seven plagues will take effect in succession. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My word shall not pass away!

from The Word Appears in the Flesh

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