Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. God’s sheep hear God’s voice. As long as you read the words of Almighty God, you will see God has appeared.


Jun 19, 2017

Eastern lightning | The Word Appears in the Flesh-The Twenty-eighth Utterance

     You see that the time is so short and the work of the Holy Spirit shoots ahead, causing you to attain such great blessings, to receive the King of the universe, Almighty God, who is the shining Sun, the King of the kingdom—this is all My grace and mercy. What could there be that could cut you off from My love? Ponder carefully, don’t try to escape, wait quietly before Me at every moment and don’t always be loitering outside. Your heart must stick close to My heart, and no matter what may befall do not do things blindly or arbitrarily.

  You must look to My will, do whatever I desire and be determined to abandon that which I do not desire. You must not act on your emotions, but instead practice righteousness like Me; it is not acceptable to be sentimental even to your mother and father. You must abandon all that does not conform to the truth and you must offer up yourself and expend for Me with a pure heart that loves Me. Don’t suffer the control of any person, matter or object; so long as it conforms to My will then practice it in accordance with My words. Have no fear, as My hands support you, and I will surely protect you from all evil ones. You should guard your heart, be within Me at all times, as your life is lived in dependence on My life; if you leave Me then you will immediately wither.

     You should know that it is the last days now. The devil Satan, like a roaring lion, walks about, searching for people to devour. All manner of plagues are now breaking out and there are many different kinds of evil spirits. Only I am the true God; only I am your refuge. You can only now hide in My secret place, only within Me, and the disasters will not befall you and no calamity will come near to your tent. You must get close to Me more, fellowship with Me in the secret place; don’t fellowship arbitrarily with other people. You must grasp the meaning in My words—I am not saying that you are not allowed to fellowship, only that you now still have no discernment. During this time, the work done by evil spirits is running rampant. They give you fellowship through all kinds of people. Their words sound very pleasant, but there is poison within. They are sugar-coated bullets and before you realize it they will implant their poison inside you. You should know that the majority of people today are unstable, as though they are drunk. When you have difficulties and you fellowship with others, what they tell you is just rules and doctrine, and it is not as good as fellowshiping directly with Me. Come before Me and utterly pour out the old things within you, open your heart to Me and My heart will surely be revealed to you. Your heart must be diligent before Me. Don’t be lazy, but instead you must often get close to Me; this is the quickest way for your life to grow. You must live within Me and I will live within you and I will also reign as King within you, directing you in all things, and you shall have a share of the kingdom.

     Don’t belittle yourself because you’re young; you should offer up yourself to Me. I don’t see what people are like on the surface or how old they are. I see only whether or not they love Me sincerely, and whether or not they follow My way and practice the truth disregarding all other things. Don’t worry about what tomorrow will be like or how your future will be. So long as you rely on Me to live every day, then I will surely lead you. Don’t linger on the idea that “My life is too immature, I don’t understand anything,” which is an idea sent by Satan. Just use your heart to constantly get close to Me and follow in My footsteps until the end of the road. When you hear My words of reproach and warning and wake up, you must immediately run forward; don’t stop getting close to Me, keep up with the flock’s footsteps and keep looking ahead. Before Me, you must love your God with all your heart and soul. Try to figure out My words more upon the path of serving. In practicing the truth you must not be weak-hearted, but have a mighty heart, have the male child’s resolution and backbone, and have a tough heart. If you want to love Me, then you must satisfy Me with all the things that I want to accomplish in you. If you want to follow Me, then you must forsake all that you have, all that you love, obey humbly before Me, have a simple mind and don’t go researching or considering things at random; you must always keep up with the work of the Holy Spirit.

     Here I give you counsel: You must hold fast to and practice all that I have enlightened within you!

from The Word Appears in the Flesh

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