Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. God’s sheep hear God’s voice. As long as you read the words of Almighty God, you will see God has appeared.


Jun 10, 2017

Eastern Lightning | The Word Appears in the Flesh-The Fifteenth Utterance

      The “appearance of God” has already arisen in all churches. It is the Spirit that speaks, He is a raging fire, He carries majesty and He is judging; He is the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the breasts with a golden girdle. His head and His hairs are white like wool, and His eyes are as a flame of fire; and His feet like to fine brass, as if they burn in a furnace; and His voice as the sound of many waters. He has in His right hand seven stars, a two-edged sword is within His mouth and His countenance is as the sun shining in its strength!

     The Son of man has been witnessed, God Himself has been openly revealed, God’s glory has issued forth, as the sun shines in its strength! God’s glorious countenance shines dazzlingly; whose eyes dare treat it with defiance? Defiance means death! There is not the slightest bit of mercy to anything you think in your heart, any word you say or anything you do. You will all come to understand and come to see what it is you have obtained—nothing except My judgment! Can I abide it when you don’t put your effort into eating My words,[a] but interrupt arbitrarily and destroy My construction? I show no courtesy to this kind of person! Any more serious and you will be consumed in flames! The almighty God manifests in a spiritual body, without the slightest bit of flesh or blood connecting head to toe. He transcends the universe world, seated on the glorious throne in the third heaven, administering all things! All things in the universe are within My hands. If I speak, it will be. If I ordain it, thus it shall be. Satan is beneath My feet, it is in the bottomless pit! When My voice issues forth, heaven and earth will pass away and come to nothing. All things will be renewed and this is an unalterable truth that is only too true. I have overcome the world, overcome all evil ones. I sit here talking to you; all those who have ears should listen and all those who live should accept.

     The days will come to an end; all things in the world will come to nothing, and all things will “make a comeback.” Remember this! Remember this! There can be no ambiguity! Heaven and earth shall pass away but My words shall not pass away! Let Me exhort you once again: Don’t run in vain! Wake up! Repent and salvation is at hand! I have already appeared amongst you and My voice has arisen. My voice has arisen before you, face-to-face with you every day, fresh and new every day. You see Me and I see you, I speak to you constantly, face-to-face with you. And yet you reject Me, you don’t know Me; My sheep can hear My voice and yet still you hesitate! You hesitate! Your heart is waxed gross, your eyes are blinded by Satan and you cannot see My “glorious countenance”—how pitiful! How pitiful!

     The seven Spirits before My throne are sent to all corners of the earth and I will send My Messenger to speak to the churches. I am righteous and faithful, I am the God that examines the deepest parts of man’s heart. The Spirit speaks to the churches and it is My words that flow out from within My Son; all those who have ears should listen! All those who live should accept! Simply eat and drink them, and do no doubt. All those who obey and heed My words will receive great blessings! All those who seek sincerely for My face will surely have new light, new enlightenment and new insights; all will be fresh and new. My words will appear to you at all times and they will open the eyes of your spirit that you may see all the mysteries of the spiritual realm and that the kingdom has come unto the human world. Enter into the refuge and all grace and blessings will be upon you, famine and plague will not be able to touch you, wolves, serpents, tigers and leopards will be unable to harm you. You will be with Me and walk with Me together into glory!

     Almighty God! His glorious body appears openly, the holy spiritual body arises and He is the utterly complete God Himself! The world and the flesh are both changed and His transfiguration on the mount is the person of God. He wears the golden crown on His head, His clothing is pure white, across the breasts is a golden girdle and all things in the world are His footstool. His eyes are like a flame of fire, the two-edged sword is within His mouth and He has the seven stars in His right hand. The way to the kingdom is boundlessly bright and His glory arises and shines; the mountains are joyful and the waters laugh, the sun, the moon and the stars all revolve in their orderly arrangement, welcoming the unique, true God whose triumphant return heralds the completion of His six-thousand-year management plan! All leap and dance with joy! Cheer! The almighty God sits on His glorious throne! Sing! The victorious banner of the Almighty is raised high upon the majestic, magnificent Mount Zion! All nations are cheering, all peoples are singing, Mount Zion is laughing joyfully, the glory of God has arisen! Even in dreams I never thought I’d see God’s face yet today I have seen it. Face-to-face with Him every day, speaking from heart to heart. He bountifully provides all that is eaten and drunk. Life, words, actions, thoughts, ideas—His glorious light illumines them all. He leads every step of the way, and if any heart is rebellious then His judgment will immediately befall.

     Eating together with God, staying together, living together, being together with Him, walking together, enjoying together, gaining glory and blessings together, sharing the kingship with God, and being together in the kingdom—oh what a pleasure! Oh how sweet! Face-to-face every day, speaking every day, talking constantly, having new enlightenment and new insights every day. Our spiritual eyes are opened and we see everything, all the mysteries of the spirit are revealed to us. The holy life is truly leisurely. Run fast and do not stop, forge onward continuously, there is a more wondrous life ahead. Don’t be satisfied with just a sweet taste but always seek to enter into God. He is all-encompassing and bountiful, and He has all kinds of things that we lack. Cooperate proactively, enter into Him and nothing will ever be the same again. Our life will be transcendent and no person, matter, or thing can disturb us.

     Transcendence! Transcendence! True transcendence! God’s transcendent life is within and all things become truly relaxed! Transcend the world and worldly things, feel no attachment to your husbands or your children. Transcend the control of sickness and your environments. Satan dare not disturb us. Completely transcend all disasters—this is allowing God to take the kingship! Trample Satan underfoot, stand witness for the church and thoroughly expose the ugly face of Satan. The construction of the church is in Christ, the glorious body has arisen—this is living in rapture!

from The Word Appears in the Flesh

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