Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. God’s sheep hear God’s voice. As long as you read the words of Almighty God, you will see God has appeared.


Jun 15, 2017

Eastern Lightning | The Word Appears in the Flesh-The Nineteenth Utterance

       As the work of the Holy Spirit continues onward, God has once again ushered us into a new method of the Holy Spirit’s work. As a result, it is unavoidable that some have misunderstood Me and made complaints to Me. Some have resisted and opposed Me, and have scrutinized Me. However, I still mercifully wait for your repentance and reform. The change in the method of the Holy Spirit’s work is God Himself openly appearing. My word will remain unchanged! Since it is you that I am saving, I will not forsake you halfway down the road, but there are doubts inside of you and you want to turn back empty-handed. Some of you have stopped moving forward while others are observing and waiting. Still others are passively complying with the situation, and some are simply imitating what others are doing. You have really hardened your hearts! You have taken what I said to you and turned it into your own arrogance and boasting. Contemplate this further—this is nothing but the words of mercy and judgment coming upon you. You are indeed rebellious. The Holy Spirit speaks directly and dissects directly. You should be afraid. Do not act recklessly or do anything rash. Do not be vain, arrogant, or insist on your own ways! You should focus more on putting My word into practice, and live out My word everywhere you go. Allow My word to truly transform you from the inside so that My disposition may be manifested in you. These are true results.

       In order for the church to be built, you must be of a particular stature, and seek wholeheartedly and unceasingly, as well as receive the burning and cleansing of the Holy Spirit and become a transformed person. It is under such conditions that the church can be built. The work of the Holy Spirit has now led you to embark upon the building of the church. If you continue to behave sluggishly and foolishly as you did before, then you are hopeless. You must equip yourselves with all the truth and have spiritual discernment, and walk the perfect way according to My wisdom. For the church to be built, you must be in the life of the spirit and not just imitate superficially. The process of growth in your life is the same process in which you are built up. However, note that those who rely on spiritual gifts or those who are unable to understand spiritual matters or lack practicality cannot be built up, nor can those who are unable to maintain intimate communication with Me at all times. Those who preoccupy their minds with human conceptions or live by doctrines cannot be built up, and those who are guided by their emotions cannot either. No matter how God treats you, you must submit to Him absolutely. Otherwise, you cannot be built up. Those who are absorbed in their own self-importance, self-righteousness, pride, and contentment and who love to be condescending and show themselves off cannot be built up. Those who cannot serve in coordination with others cannot be built up. Those who have no spiritual discernment, or blindly follow others cannot be built up, and those who fail to understand My intentions and live in the outdated conditions cannot be built up. Those who are too slow to follow new light and do not have any vision as a foundation cannot be built up.

       The church should be built without delay, and I have pressing concern for it. You should begin by focusing on the positive, and join the ranks of the construction by offering yourself with all your strength. Otherwise, you will be rejected. You should forsake completely what should be forsaken, and eat and drink properly what should be eaten and drunk. You should live out the reality of My word, and you should not focus on superficial and inconsequential matters. Ask yourself, how much have you taken in My word? How much do you live out My word? You should remain clear-headed and abstain from doing anything rash. Otherwise, it will only harm, not help your own growth in life. You should comprehend the truth, know how to put it into practice, and allow My word to truly become your life. This is the crux of the matter!

       As the building of the church has now reached a critical moment, Satan is devising plans, and is doing its utmost to demolish it. You should not be careless but proceed with caution and exercise discernment in the spirit. Without such discernment, you will suffer great losses. This is no trivial matter. You should consider it as a matter of importance. Satan is capable of making false appearances and peddling counterfeits which bear significant difference in the quality of their contents. People behave so foolishly and carelessly, and are lacking discernment, which means that you cannot remain clear-headed and serene at all times. Your heart is nowhere to be found. Service is an honor as well as a loss. It can either lead to blessing or misfortune. Remain quiet in My presence and live according to My word, and you will indeed remain watchful and exercise discernment in the spirit. When Satan arrives, you will be able to guard against it at once, as well as sense its coming; you will sense real uneasiness in your spirit. The current work of Satan adjusts to the changes of trends. When people behave foolishly and lack watchfulness, they will remain in captivity. You should remain watchful at all times and keep your eyes peeled. Don’t wrangle over your own gains and losses, or calculate for the sake of your own benefit. Rather, seek My will to be done.

       Objects may appear identical but their quality may vary. Likewise, you should recognize individuals as well as spirits. You should exercise discernment and remain spiritually clear-headed. When Satan’s venom appears you will be able to recognize it at once. It cannot escape the light of God’s judgment. You should pay close attention to listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit as you live in the spirit. Do not follow others blindly and mistake what is false for something true. Do not simply follow whoever takes the lead, lest you suffer great losses. How does that make you feel? Have you felt the consequences? You should not randomly interfere with service or insert your own opinions into it, or else I will strike you down. Worse yet, if you remain disobedient and continue to say and do as you wish, I will cut you off! The church does not need to scrape up more people; it wants those who sincerely love God and really live according to My word. You should be aware of your own actual conditions. Is it not self-deception when the poor consider themselves wealthy? For the church to be built, you must follow the spirit. Do not proceed by acting blindly, but stay in your place and fulfill your own function. You should not step outside of your roles, but fulfill whatever function you can perform with your utmost strength, and then I will be truly pleased. It is not that all of you will serve the same function. Rather, each of you should play your own role and dedicate your service in coordination with others in the church. Your service should not deviate in either direction.

from The Word Appears in the Flesh

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