Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. God’s sheep hear God’s voice. As long as you read the words of Almighty God, you will see God has appeared.


Jun 10, 2017

Eastern lightning | The Word Appears in the Flesh-The Fourteenth Utterance

      Time is indeed pressing now. The Holy Spirit uses many different ways to lead us into God’s words and to be equipped with all the truth, to be sanctified, to have a true closeness and association with Me; you are not permitted any room to choose. The work of the Holy Spirit is without emotion and has no regard for the kind of person you are. So long as you are willing to search and follow—not to give excuses, not to argue over your own gains and losses but to search with a hunger and a thirst for righteousness, then I will enlighten you. Regardless of how foolish and ignorant you are, I do not see such things. I look to see how hard you work in the positive aspect. If you still hold fast to the conception of “self,” turning circles in your own little world, then I think you are in danger…. What is rapture? What does it mean to be forsaken? How should you live before God today? How should you cooperate actively with Me? Get rid of your own conceptions, dissect yourself, take off your masks, clearly see your own true colors, loathe yourself, have a heart that searches with a hunger and a thirst for righteousness, believe that you yourself genuinely amount to nothing, be willing to relinquish yourself, be able to stop all your ways of doing things, quiet yourself before Me, offer up prayers more, lean on Me sincerely, look up to Me, and do not stop getting close to Me and fellowshiping with Me—this is key. People often get caught up in themselves and are not before God.

      The current work of the Holy Spirit is indeed hard for people to imagine and it all enters into reality; it really won’t do for you to be thoughtless. If your heart and mind are not right, then you will have no way out. From start to finish you must be watchful at all times and be sure to guard against negligence. Blessed are those who are constantly watchful and waiting and who are quiet before Me! Blessed are those who constantly look up to Me with their hearts, who take care to listen closely to My voice, who pay attention to My actions and who put My words into practice! The time really can brook no delay. All manner of plagues will run rampant, opening their ferocious, bloody mouths to devour you all like a flood. My sons! The time has come! There is no more room for pondering. The only way out that will bring you under My protection is to come back before Me. You must have the male child’s strength of character, do not be weak or disheartened; you must keep up with My steps, do not refuse the new light and, in telling you how to eat, you should obey and eat properly. Is there still time now to fight or contend with each other arbitrarily? Can you make war if you do not eat your fill and are not fully equipped with the truth? If you want to overcome religion, you must be fully equipped with the truth. Eat and drink My words more and ponder over My words more. You must eat and drink My words independently and begin by getting close to God. Let this be a warning to you! You must take heed! Those who are smart should quickly wake up to the truth! Relinquish all those things you are unwilling to part with. I tell you once again that these things really are harmful to your life and are of no benefit! I hope you can rely on Me in your actions, otherwise the only path ahead will be the path of death, and where then will you go to search for the path of life? Withdraw your heart that loves to busy itself with external things! Withdraw your heart that disobeys other people! If your life cannot mature and you are forsaken, won’t you then be the one who has tripped yourself up? The work of the Holy Spirit now is not like you imagine. If you are unable to relinquish your conceptions then you will suffer a great loss. If the work was in keeping with man’s conceptions, would your old nature and conceptions be able to come to light? Would you be able to know yourself? Maybe you still think that you have no conceptions, but this time all your various ugly facets will clearly come to light. Carefully ask yourself:

Are you someone who obeys Me?

Are you willing and ready to relinquish your self and follow Me?

Are you someone who seeks My face with a pure heart?

Do you know how to get close to Me and fellowship with Me?

Can you quiet yourself before Me and seek My will?

Do you put into practice the words I reveal to you?

Can you maintain a normal condition before Me?

Are you able to see through Satan’s cunning schemes? Do you dare to expose them?

How are you considerate toward God’s burden?

Are you someone who is considerate toward God’s burden?

How do you touch the work of the Holy Spirit?

How do you serve in coordination in God’s family?

How do you bear strong witness for Me?

How do you fight the good fight for the truth?

       You must take the time to ponder these truths thoroughly. The facts are sufficient to prove that the day is so close. You must be made complete before the disasters—this is a matter of great importance that must be resolved urgently! I desire to make you complete, but I see that you are indeed somewhat unbridled. You have mettle but you do not put it to the best use and you haven’t grasped the most important things, instead all you grasp are trivial matters. What use is there in deliberating over these things? Is this not a waste of time? I show you kindness in this way but you fail to show any appreciation and you make such disorder and noise, so hasn’t all My painstaking effort been wasted? If you carry on this way, there will be no time for Me to coax you along! I say to you, unless you wake up to the truth, the work of the Holy Spirit will withdraw from you! You will be given no more to eat, so you may believe as you see fit. My words have been spoken exhaustively; listen or not, it’s up to you. When the time comes when you are confused and have no way forward and cannot see the true light, will you still blame Me? Such ignorance! What should the consequence be if you cling tightly to your self and refuse to let go? Won’t the work have been an exercise in futility? How pitiful it is to be cast aside when disasters befall!

      Now is the crucial phase of the building of the church. If you are unable to cooperate with Me proactively and offer yourself up to Me wholeheartedly, if you cannot forsake everything, then you will suffer loss; can you still think any different? I showed you leniency in this way, waiting for you to repent and start anew. But time really does not permit this now and I must consider the big picture. For the sake of the purpose of God’s management plan, all is moving onward and My steps march onward day by day, hour by hour, moment by moment, and those who cannot keep up will be forsaken. Every day there is new light, every day new deeds are done, there are new things every day and those who cannot see the light are blind! Those who do not follow will be eliminated….

from The Word Appears in the Flesh

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