Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. God’s sheep hear God’s voice. As long as you read the words of Almighty God, you will see God has appeared.


Jun 12, 2017

Eastern Lightning | The Word Appears in the Flesh-The Seventeenth Utterance

       The church is being built and Satan is trying its utmost to demolish it. It wants to demolish My construction by any means possible, therefore the church must quickly be purified. There must be no dregs or any evils leftover; it must be purified so that it becomes flawless and remains as pure as it was before. You must be awake and waiting at every moment, and you must come before Me more. You must recognize the various plots and cunning schemes of Satan, know the spirit, know people and be able to discern all kinds of people, matters and things; you must eat and drink more of My words and, more importantly, you must be able to eat and drink them by yourselves. Equip yourselves with all the truth, come before Me so that I may open your spiritual eyes and allow you to see all the mysteries that lie within the spirit…. When the church enters its construction phase, a battle of the saints against Satan[a] ensues. Satan’s various hideous features are set before you; do you stop and backslide, or do you stand up and walk onward, relying on Me? Thoroughly expose Satan’s corrupt and ugly features, spare no feelings and show no mercy! Fight Satan to the death! I am your backup and you must have the spirit of the male child! Satan is lashing out in its final death throes but it will still be unable to escape My judgment. Satan is beneath My feet and it is also trodden underneath your feet—it’s true!

       All those religious interrupters and those who demolish the building of the church must not be tolerated in the slightest and I will judge them immediately. Expose Satan, trample it underfoot, destroy it utterly and leave it nowhere to hide. All manner of demons and ghosts will surely reveal their true forms before Me and I will cast them all into the bottomless pit from which they will never be free; they are all beneath our feet. If you want to fight the good fight for the truth, then first of all, don’t give Satan any chance to work, and to do this you will need to be of one mind and be able to serve in coordination, relinquish all your own conceptions, opinions, views and ways of doing things, quiet your heart within Me, focus on the voice of the Holy Spirit, be attentive to the work of the Holy Spirit and experience God’s words in detail. You must have only one intention, which is that My will can be carried out. You should have no other intention. You must look to Me with all your heart, watch My actions and the way I do things closely, and do not be negligent at all. Your spirit must be sharp, your eyes open. Ordinarily, those whose intentions and objectives are not right, those who love to be seen by others, who are eager to do things, who are prone to interrupting, who are strong in religious doctrine, Satan’s lackeys, etc., when these people stand up they become difficulties for the church and the eating and drinking of brothers and sisters comes to nothing; when you find this kind of person play acting then ban them immediately. If time after time they do not change then they will suffer greatly. If those who stubbornly persist in their ways come to their own defense and try to cover up their sins, the church should cut them out immediately and leave them no room to maneuver. Do not lose a lot by trying to save a little, and keep your eye on the big picture.

Your spiritual eyes must now be opened, and distinguish several kinds of people in the church:

What kind of person understands spiritual matters and knows the spirit?

What kind of person doesn’t understand spiritual matters?

What kind of person has evil spirits within them?

What kind of person has Satan working on them?

What kind of person is prone to interrupting?

What kind of person has the Holy Spirit working on them?

What kind of person shows consideration toward God’s burden?

What kind of person can carry out My will?

Who is My loyal witness?

       Know that the enlightenment that the Holy Spirit gives to all churches is today’s highest vision. Do not be muddleheaded about these things, but instead you must take the time to figure them out thoroughly—this is extremely critical for your life progression! If you don’t understand these things before your very eyes then you will be unable to walk the path ahead, you will be in danger of temptation and captivity at any time, and you may be devoured. The main thing now is to focus on being able to get close to Me in your heart, fellowship more with Me, and anything you lack or seek will be made up to you through getting close to Me and fellowshiping with Me. Your life will surely be provided for and you will have new enlightenments. I never look at how ignorant you were before and I do not remember your transgressions. I look at how you love Me: Can you love Me more than all other things? I look to see whether or not you can turn back and rely on Me to cast off your ignorance. Some people stand up to Me, defy Me openly, and judge other people; they do not know My words, and they are even less likely to find My face. All those before Me who sincerely search for Me, who have hearts that hunger and thirst for righteousness, I will enlighten you, reveal to you, allow you to see Me with your own eyes and touch My will in person; My heart will surely be revealed to you, that you may understand. You must practice that which I enlighten within you according to My words, otherwise you will be judged. Follow My will and you shall not go astray.

       To all those who seek to enter into My words, grace and blessings will be doubled upon you, you shall have new enlightenments every day, new insights every day and feel fresher in eating and drinking My words every day; you shall taste it with your own mouth: How sweet it is! … You must be cautious, and do not be satisfied when you have some insight and have a taste of the sweetness—the key is to continue seeking onward! Some people think that the work of the Holy Spirit is truly wondrous and real—this is indeed the person of Almighty God being revealed openly, and greater signs and wonders lie ahead. Be careful and awake at all times, keep your eyes fixed on the source, be quiet before Me, take heed and listen carefully, and be certain about My words. There can be no ambiguity; if you doubt at all then I fear you will be lost beyond the gates. Have clear visions, stand on solid ground, follow this stream of life and follow closely wherever it may flow; absolutely do not have the slightest hesitation. Just eat, drink and give praise, seek with a pure heart and don’t give up. Bring whatever you don’t understand before Me more and be sure not to have a doubting heart so that you may avoid suffering great loss. Keep up! Keep up! Stay close! Get rid of hindrances and do not be dissolute. Pursue wholeheartedly and do not draw back. You must offer up your heart at all times and never miss a single moment. The Holy Spirit constantly has new work to do, does new things and has new enlightenments every day; a “transfiguration on the mountain”—God’s holy spiritual body has appeared! The Sun of righteousness gives forth light and shines, all nations and all peoples have seen Your glorious countenance. My light will shine upon all those who come before Me. My words are light, leading you ahead. You will not veer left or right as you walk but will walk within My light, and your running will not be a fruitless labor. You must see the work of the Holy Spirit clearly and My will is there within it. All mysteries are concealed and they will gradually be revealed to you. Keep My words in mind at all times and come before Me to fellowship more with Me. The work of the Holy Spirit advances. Walk in My footsteps; great wonders are ahead and they will be revealed to you one by one. Only those who take care, who wait and who are awake will see them. Be sure not to slack off. God’s management plan approaches its final stage, the building of the church will succeed, the number of the victorious is already set, the victorious male child will be made and they will enter the kingdom with Me, take up the kingship with Me, rule all nations with the iron rod and be in glory together!

from The Word Appears in the Flesh


a. The original text omits “against Satan.”

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